Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Man Behind the Mosque Questions

1. There was no formal process to making the "Ground Zero Mosque" a news story.

2. Pamela Gellar, an opposition for the mosque, brought it to the attention of Fox News.

3. On a lot of clips from cable networks we saw talking heads shouting at each other and arguing over the mosque. In addition to that, we saw very emotional sides of the story rather than facts.

4. They were never seen on cable news.

5. For knowledge on Islam, cable news relied on radical anti-Islamist. No, the information was not reliable because their information was incredibly biased.

6. The ownership is very important. As seen from this story an owner of Fox shares was also a donor for the mosque, which probably made it an important issue among the other owners as well.

7. Al-Waleed bin Talal, a Saudi Prince

8. The public simply got tired of it. It went on too long and the news of Fox's second largest shareholder donating money to the mosque probably made the public not trust Fox as much on the story and it just died.

9. Americans are not well educated when it comes to Islam.
45% say Islam is no more likely to encourage violence than any other faith.
35% say Islam is more likely to encourage violence.
Over half of Americans have a negative view of Islam.

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